Converting a Traditional Software License Agreement to a SaaS Agreement: A Quick Reference Guide

By making these key adjustments, you can transform your traditional software license agreement into a robust SaaS contract.

Breaking Down the Differences: Professional Services vs. Software Licensing vs. SaaS Agreements

Understanding the key differences between these types of services will help you more accurately draft your business agreements and negotiate their terms to your advantage.

3 Key Clauses to Negotiate in Hotel Event Agreements

Hotel event agreements can seem like low-risk arrangements, but they can have severe financial consequences if they are not negotiated correctly.

Converting a Traditional Software License Agreement to a SaaS Agreement: A Quick Reference Guide

Breaking Down the Differences: Professional Services vs. Software Licensing vs. SaaS Agreements

Diligence is the New Link in Supply Chain Agreements

Independent Contractor Agreements: 5 Contract Review Tips (Pro-Customer)

How to Draft Better Business Associate Agreements in Six Steps

How to Draft Better SOW Requirements to Improve Contract Performance

Seven Tips to Draft a Balanced Contract that Speeds Up Deals

6 Critical Elements of Indemnification Clauses in Business Transactions

How to Assess Common Insurance Requirements in Contracts

How to Draft an Arbitration Clause: 4 Key Considerations

Construction Contract Drafting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Order of Precedence Clauses & Alternatives

Understanding Advancements in Autorenewal Laws

Converting a Traditional Software License Agreement to a SaaS Agreement: A Quick Reference Guide

Breaking Down the Differences: Professional Services vs. Software Licensing vs. SaaS Agreements

20 Questions to Ask When Reviewing Contracts with Generative AI Vendors

A Negotiation Playbook for SaaS Agreements: Preferred Terms for Vendors vs Customers

Nine Financial Terms Every SaaS Negotiator Should Know

Legal Ethics and ChatGPT: Is OpenAI Listening to (Us)ers?

Common Negotiation Points in Technology Agreements

How to Draft and Negotiate Service Level Agreements

SaaS and Taxes: Is it Taxable Software or a Non-Taxable Service?

Key Legal and Business Considerations for SaaS Buyers

The SaaS Supplier’s Guide to Service Level Agreements

Important Provisions of API License Agreements

Cover Your SaaS! How to Prepare for SaaS Negotiations

The Secret to Negotiating a Non-Negotiable Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Four Ways to be Successful as a Contract Manager

10 Ways to Thrive as the First or Only Contracts Lawyer at a Startup

Ten Awesomely Nerdy Holiday Gifts for the Contract Nerd in Your Life

Elevating Your GC Brand: 3 Contract-Centric Strategies

How Legal Ops Can Help Drive Faster Contract Reviews

Joan’s Lawyer Is Awful – Observations from a Real-Life Contracts Lawyer 

Four Ways to Channel Mindfulness for Less Stressful Contract Reviews

New Year’s Resolutions for All Contract Nerds (2023)

Planes, Trains & Automobiles: Three Advantages of a Litigation Background in Contract Negotiations

How Contract Managers Can Unite Procurement & Legal

How to Make Your Boss Look Good When Reviewing Contracts

A Law Professor’s Perspective on Learning and Teaching Contracts

The Emergence of the Contract Ops Professional

Five New Year’s Resolutions for All Contract Nerds (2022)

Exploring the Many Roles of the Contract Drafter (aka the Straw that Stirs the Business Drink)

Tips for a New In-House Lawyer from a New In-House Lawyer

Contemplating a Transition From BigLaw to In-House? 5 Tips from a Lawyer Coach

10 New Year’s Resolutions for All Contract Nerds (2021)

 How In-House Lawyers Can Harness the Power of Personal Branding for Career Success

Suggestions for a New Contracts Blogger

How to Get a Five Star Review from Your Internal Clients

3 Key Clauses to Negotiate in Hotel Event Agreements

From Conflict to Collaboration: Human-Centered Contract Negotiation Strategies

Can You Be a “Nice” Contract Negotiator & Be Successful?

How to Negotiate Influencer-Brand Collaboration Deals (Pro-Creator)

7 Commercial Contract Redlining Best Practices Based on Real Data  

Sealing the Deal: Leveraging Contract Data to Power Your Negotiation Strategy

Five Contract Negotiation Styles to Accelerate Success

Hidden Redlines: How to Avoid Them and How to Respond to Them

Five Key Limitation of Liability Negotiation Points

Four Tips for Leveraging Redlines in Complex Negotiations

Three Expert Tips for Preparing Your Contract Negotiation for Success

How to Review Counterparty Paper Like a Pro

How To Review Boilerplate Clauses Like A Pro

Data Protection Agreements: Contract Review Tips

How to Draft Better Business Associate Agreements in Six Steps

Understanding Training Data in Contracts with AI Vendors

From Compliance to Operations: How Data Privacy Laws Will Change Contracts in 2023

How to Draft and Review Three Important Data Security Terms

Checklist: 5 More Issues in Data Protection Agreements (Pro-Controller)

Checklist: 5 Common Issues in Data Protection Agreements (Pro-Controller)

How to Negotiate a Data Protection Addendum When the Customer Pushes Their Template

The Anatomy of a Data Processing Agreement (Pro Processor)

A Background on the Data Protection Addendum (DPA)

How to Build the Partnership Between Sales and Legal for Smoother Contracting

Beyond the Signature: How to Extract Maximum Value from Your Contracts

The Contracts Queen’s Guide to Creating a Practical Contract Playbook

Four Strategy Sessions Leaders Can Implement to Level-Up Contract Management

Creating a Useful Contract Playbook

Balancing Manual Contract Creation With Automation

How to Clean Up Messy Contracts in 10 Steps

10 Ways to Improve Your Contract Templates

Create a Usable Contracting Policy in Three Low Cost Steps

How to Monitor Contract Risk, Without Fancy Software

Procurement CLM: A Special Case for Operational Efficiencies Where Legal Can Shine

How to Create and Use a Signature Authority Chart

Why Rushed Contract Reviews Are Bad for Business

The Paralegal’s Role in Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)

Three Contract KPIs You’re Measuring Incorrectly  

Better Contract Management in Six Manageable Steps

Do You Manage Contracts Like a Super Lawyer?

10 Ways to Integrate Plain Language into Contracts & Advice

How Strategic Contract Design Can Reduce the Independent Contractor Reclassification Risk in Professional Services Agreements

Design Matters: Revamping Contracts for Impact and Clarity

Creating Contracts That Pop: Using Microsoft Word to Apply 5 Key Design Principles

496 U.S. Laws Require Plain Language Contracts

A More Collaborative Approach to Drafting Contracts

Why U.S. Companies Should Adopt NEC Contracts

The Recipe for Better Contract Design

Why We Should be Using Standardized Contracts

The Use of Augmented Reality in Contracts

Anne Wong and Sarah Tan

The Ultimate AI Glossary for Contracts Professionals

Everyone, Everywhere, All At Once: Simple Contracting for the Win

How to Convince Your Stakeholders You Need a New Contract Management Solution

Four Ways Legal and Sales Can Drive Faster Deals

How to Convince Your Boss You Need Contract Management Software

Baking Your Way to a Better Contract Intake Process

Leveraging CLM to Check all the Boxes for Effective Contract Risk Management

How To Build Your Contract Operations Utopia

Driving Digital Contract Transformation for Greater Legal Operations Efficiency

Managing Force Majeure Obligations in the Post-COVID Landscape

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