Chatting Contracts with GPT

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Can You Use ChatGPT to Compare Two Contract Versions?

ChatGPT can ingest Microsoft Office file types, but is it a useful document comparison tool for contracts professionals?

What are Five Tips to Improve the Reliability of ChatGPT Responses? 

Become a more savvy user of ChatGPT by implementing these five tips to improve reliability when working on

How Can ChatGPT Help Us Create a Contract Negotiation Table?

Using ChatGPT to create Negotiation Tables should improve your arguments, provide more creative solutions, and save you time.

How to Prime and Prompt ChatGPT for More Reliable Contract Drafting Support

By learning how to communicate more effectively with ChatGPT, we can yield more reliable output when asking for

How Can We Use ChatGPT to Draft Explanatory Comments in Our Contracts?

ChatGPT can help you review redlines and justify the reasoning behind your responsive redlines and explanatory comments.

How Can ChatGPT Help Us Negotiate Contracts More Efficiently?

How can ChatGPT help us negotiate contracts more efficiently? This column addresses that question through a series of

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