Contract Negotiations

3 Key Clauses to Negotiate in Hotel Event Agreements

From Conflict to Collaboration: Human-Centered Contract Negotiation Strategies

Can You Be a “Nice” Contract Negotiator & Be Successful?

How to Negotiate Influencer-Brand Collaboration Deals (Pro-Creator)

7 Commercial Contract Redlining Best Practices Based on Real Data  

Sealing the Deal: Leveraging Contract Data to Power Your Negotiation Strategy

Five Contract Negotiation Styles to Accelerate Success

Hidden Redlines: How to Avoid Them and How to Respond to Them

Five Key Limitation of Liability Negotiation Points

Four Tips for Leveraging Redlines in Complex Negotiations

Three Expert Tips for Preparing Your Contract Negotiation for Success

How to Review Counterparty Paper Like a Pro

How To Review Boilerplate Clauses Like A Pro

Perfect vs. Done: How Do You Know When A Contract Is Ready?

How to Close More Contracts Before Quarter-End

A Game Plan for Tackling Third-Party Paper, Part 2 of 2

A Game Plan for Tackling Third-Party Paper, Part 1 of 2

The Battle of the Formats and Why PDFs are Losing

Expediting the Negotiation of Clinical Supply Agreements During a Pandemic

How to Spot and Solve Implicit Language Bias in International Contracts

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Whether you need an article about drafting Technology Agreements or want to brush up on your Contract Negotiation skills, we've got you covered with 8 different topics and 5 guest columns!

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